Tuesday, October 15, 2024



Lady GaGa has spent a fortune on ghostbusters, it has been reported.

She is petrified of evil spirits and has apparently had every hotel and tour venue she's performed and stayed in scanned by a team of pro paranormal investigators before she agreed to reside there.

GaGa - who reportedly believes she is the reincarnated spirit of her dead aunt - is also rumoured to have spent a whopping £30,000 on state-of-the-art Electro Magnetic Field meters to detect ghosts.


According to the original recipe, four pounds is how much an original pound cake required. That’s one for each ingredient: flour, eggs, butter and sugar. It is believed to have originated in Europe in the 1700s but has been modified in many ways since. Pound cakes are generally baked in either a loaf pan or a Bundt mold. They are sometimes served either dusted with powdered sugar, lightly glazed, or with a coat of icing.


Male giraffes will taste a female giraffe's urine to see if she is ready to mate. The male tastes the urine so it can detect hormones that confirm she is ovulating. Glad that doesn’t apply to humans.

Winnie the Pooh has been banned from a Polish playground because of his “dubious sexuality” and “inappropriate” dress, to wit, he doesn’t wear pants.

The much-loved animated bear was suggested at a local council meeting to decide which famous character should become the face of the play area in the small town of Tuszyn. But the idea soon sparked outrage among more conservative members, with one councillor even denouncing poor Pooh as a “hermaphrodite”.

What about? . . . 



There is both research and anecdotal evidence to support the idea that people with naturally red hair can have different requirements when it comes to drugs that control pain.

There is a school of thought that says redheads require more local anesthetic to manage pain, as well as increased amounts of general anesthesia to induce unconsciousness, than the rest of the population.

Less than 2% of the world’s population are natural redheads. That makes red the rarest of hair colors. Red hair results from variants associated with the MC1R gene, which provides the instructions that lead to each person’s individual pigmentation. In addition to hair color, this gene influences someone’s skin color, their response to UV light and their risk of developing melanoma. The gene also plays a role in pain perception.

Someone with red hair has two copies of the MC1R gene, receiving one from each parent. The gene also carries a certain mutation in most people who have red hair. It’s this variant that has been identified as playing a role in why redheads may respond to pain drugs differently than others.


The Sedlec Ossuary in the Church of All Saints in Kunta Hora in Czechoslovakia is adorned with around 40,000 human skeletons.

Dubbed the Church of Bones, the story behind this grisly attraction begins in 1278, when the King of Bohemia sent the abbot of the Sedlec Cistercian Monastery to Jerusalem. He’s said to have come back with a jar of soil from the Golgotha, the site where the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is said to have occurred, and spread it around the local cemetery. When news of the “Holy Soil” became public, people from all over the region started requesting to be buried there.

The bones that currently reside in Sedlec Ossuary were exhumed from this site in the 15th century to make room for the town’s expansion, as well as new burials. They apparently lay stacked in the basement of this Gothic church until 1870, when a woodcarver named Frantisek Rint was appointed to excavate and organize them. The result is spectacularly shocking.

This underground chapel contains a chandelier made entirely of bones, as well as garlands of human skulls. To the left of the chandelier, sits a coat of arms formed of the bones of the Schwarzenbergs, an aristocratic Czech family who once ruled over the city.


The lint and debris such as shreds of tissue and paper that collects in the bottom of our pockets is called “gnurr.”


The King of Hearts in playing cards is the only king without a mustache but weirdly possess a sword.

Standard English playing cards were derived from mid-16th-century French models. Due to increasing popularity and mass production, many of the cards were printed using wooden blocks. There is a presumption that original designs were distorted due to unskilled block makers. These deficiencies might have resulted in many symbols losing their meaning over the centuries. Thus, the King of Hearts might not only have lost his mustache, but the ax he was originally holding became a sword.

Furthermore, symbols such as diamonds, clubs, and spades are associated with the corruption of wealth, war, and death. In contrast, the heart symbol is considered to be pure, welcoming, and undisguised, hence the clean-shaven King of Hearts.

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