Wednesday, September 11, 2024



There is an intriguing Instagram site that posts interesting facts. It is called (I presume this a reference to ‘interesting as heck'although the posts credit 'interesting asf*ck'’). It can be found at:

Bored Panda recently posted some of the items from that site and they are set out below with Bored Panda reader comments.

The Bored Panda link is:


Reader comments:

There's no problem humans make that humans can't fix if we work together.

Amazing! I wonder what it looks like in 2024.

Apparently still clean! Just looked it up and google said it's still a great example of pollution cleanup, but I couldn't find 2024 articles

What kind of human culture even allows that much trash to build up on a beach? I guess in this case, it is a lack of culture.

but why so dirty in first place though ?

Because India uses their rivers as dumping sites, both for liquid sludge and for solid waste. A sizeable part of the plastic pollution in the Indian ocean comes from this practice, and washes back to shore with storms and tides. Their government is doing very little to fight it, and the only consequence their timid efforts had is that now they store waste in landfills close to rivers... until the landfill collapses into the water an then they start again. This practice is especially common in Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh, states where there is a sizeable pilgrimage industry related to holy rivers... that double as sewers. 25% of the plastic waste produced in India ends up in the Gange

I’d like to have a word with the “passerby”.

John is still homeless but doing well. Passerby was jailed.

But why? Just why? What possesses someone to do something like this? I’ll never understand the absolute idiocy,, narcissism, psychopathy, etc of some people. Just leave people alone.

Somebody threw a rabbit off a bridge. Did I read that correctly? I feel sick

I just don't understand how people could wilfully harm animals... They've definitely got sociopathic tendencies.

Yes, the Amerigo Vespucci IS beautiful. The aircraft carrier looks bulky and clumsy in comparison.

To be fair, aircraft carriers are not designed for aesthetics, but for functionality.

And possibly because it's named after the same person as America is?

Or possibly because it’s actually a very beautiful ship? Just maybe? 🤭

I love him smirking to himself by year 7.

Did he just grow the moustache for Picture Day each year or keep it all the time, I wonder.

Embrace change . . .

Year 2 he added the moustache, and never looked back.

Ducking brilliant.

Take that autocorrect!! Lol

This was a good and decent man.

His secret weapon? A team of happy ducks towing him to the lead...

Did the record include the stopped time or was that deleted from the time?

And they all look like her.

They are all so shiny

They are a handsome bunch too!

And it's not like they were doing nothing - look at those medals

The 3rd one (left to right) looks like Popeye.

Reminds me of my Dad and his brothers in WWII. All five served but each in a different branch of the military. My Dad was Army, his four brothers were in the Air Force, Navy, Marines and Merchant Marines. They all came home as well.

Quokking fantastic!

Cheerful little quokkers ain't they

Boy that does NOT look like an animal that when threatened, may expel their young from their pouch to distract predators. But. Alas. Tis.

And here's the world's cutest animal, the ili pika.

If you visit Rottnest Island, these guys are everywhere but you will get into major trouble if you touch them or get too close

Yeah, but to flip it around, quokkas will happily throw their young to a chasing predator if need be.

(From the above article:

The word "at" in that accusation makes the meme a bit misleading. But take out that one offending preposition and it's true — quokkas sacrifice their babies in order to escape predators. "The pouch is really muscular so the mum will relax it and the bub will fall out," conservation biologist Matthew Hayward from the University of Newcastle says. "The youngsters flail around on the ground and hiss and make noise and the mum gets away." It's the "ultimate survival strategy" that's only really available to marsupials, according to kangaroo ecologist and behavioural expert Graeme Coulson from the University of Melbourne. "[The mother is] interested in her own survival and her future reproduction," Associate Professor Coulson said

Size of his belly no wonder he's so happy!

I need to know its secret to happiness, qoukkly!!! XP XD

That pigeon was a bada$$

Given a medal too

The pigeon then morphed in to its human form as Chuck Norris

Bird is the word

Now that is dedication to your job.

From Wikipedia:
Israel Kaʻanoʻi Kamakawiwoʻole[a] (May 20, 1959 – June 26, 1997), also called Braddah IZ or just simply IZ, was a Native Hawaiian musician and singer. He achieved commercial success and popularity outside of Hawaii with his 1993 studio album, Facing Future. His medley of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World" was released on his albums Ka ʻAnoʻi and Facing Future, and was subsequently featured in various media. The song has had 358 weeks on top of the World Digital Songs chart, making it the longest-leading number-one hit on any of the Billboard song charts.
Kamakawiwoʻole struggled with obesity throughout his life, at one point weighing 757 pounds (343 kg) while standing 6 feet 2 inches (1.88 m) tall. He endured several hospitalizations because of his weight. With chronic medical problems including respiratory and cardiac issues, Kamakawiwoʻole died at the age of 38 in the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu at 12:18 a.m. on June 26, 1997, from respiratory failure.

See and hear him sing the song by clicking on:
- Otto

Such a beautiful song!

It is. I can't listen to it without crying!

Bruddah IZ! His funeral stopped traffic for a large portion of the island. Rightly so.

I can't listen to this any more. It was played at the funeral of a wee boy who was a family friend as his little coffin was taken out of the church. My heart aches for them every single day.

It's a shame he died so young.

I sang that song to both my kids (along with the Beer Barrel Polka) to both my kids aa lullabies. Thanks to my mom. It will always remind me of her.

Beer Barrel Polka as a lullaby, lol!

I think he died soon after recording, and he knew he didn't have much longer to live.

Such a beautiful voice he had

My very favorite version ❤️

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