Tuesday, July 16, 2024



There is a Facebook site called ‘Funny Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Funny Signs’ that posts pics of, well, funny signs. You can visit the site by clicking on:

Bored Panda recently posted a selection from that site, below are some of them with reader comments . . .


For a cat, pushing things off of things are tiny sacrifices to gravity, which is what enables them to levitate, land on their feet, etc. They're trading kit for cat.

Yay, science!

They absolutely would.

So true

Including humans !

The face of the little boy on the right is priceless

He looks like he should be in a hostage video.

I have an incredibly dysfunctional family, and I want to take this moment to express my gratitude that the pandemic patiently waited until long after I was estranged from my family.

My gratitude is great as well. My family and a pandemic would equal death to someone

Well, you know their education didn't suffer

The little one's side eye!

The dad/principal’s face 😂

Thank you, biker! We noticed your notice.

I noticed your noticing of the notice

I put a ridiculous sounding bell on my bike. The reaction from walkers is fantastic.

When biking past other bikers or walkers, you just need to say "On your right/left". Now, you'd think this would be universally understood, but nope. Some people are still taken by surprise when you whip past them.

If you notice this notice, you'll notice this notice isn't worth noticing.

Perfect, cracked me up

Here I am stuck in the middle with you🎶

🎶 .... truck in the middle with you...🎶

Thanks a lot!!!! Can't get that damn song out of my head!!!

Thanks for the ear worm! 😆

I know someone who has this as their driveway sign where the driveway splits between them and their neighbor's house.

Love that song!! Love the 70s!

I don't know why I came here tonight.

I caught myself singing along to TOTOs Africa just the other day.

(Hey, I like Toto’s Africa, even did a blog post on it once. Otto).

Love that song. Maybe we were singing it at the same time.

I've heard "Smells like teen spirit" by Nirvana while I was in the dairy section picking up milk, talk about a surreal moment.

I went to Kroger one Friday night, they were playing Disney songs! You bet your a$$ I was singing along to Hakuna Matata!!!

When you visit a senior center and the music is the hits you enjoyed in high school...

Mariah sounds so happy during holiday season

i was at mini golf and heard motown music and i was like yes this is my day

Finally caught up to elevator music.

My supermarket was playing Don't you love her madly, " by the Doors. I started to play air guitar in the aisle.

I started feeling old when the dentist played Muzak Beatles.

It's all my high school music from the 60s. Love it!

I hate how much I can relate to this. 🙃

When you hear Highway To Hell played by the Mystic Moods Orchestra...

You are getting old.


That face is not lying

I think the face is self explanatory

A couple of my professors found that a sign saying "Please go away" worked as well. Of course, they were British.

Yep we can tell just by looking at that mug!!

Honest. Upfront. Everyone is forewarned. Can't complain.

I need this on a shirt. And hat.

me to a tee

Copyright that sign and make a fortune.

Signs like these should be more socially acceptable than they generally are

Can we have this normally

Helpful for those that are colorblind.

Aw, this is cute.

Just maybe if this was universally accepted and used, maybe people would pay more attention to the traffic lights!

There was a great line in the Starman movie: "Red light means stop, green light means go, yellow light means go very fast". (For those who haven't seen the movie, this is spoken by an alien learning how to drive by watching a human)

If it wasn't for the horrible visibility, I'd actually prefer this

Love these. More please, anything to make us smile

'He is risen' - isn't that kinda old news? 'He is BAAAACK' - now that'd be news

great news. Shrek 5 was announced to come out in 2026. HE'S BAAAAAACK!

The wait is ogre...

Our Lord and Saviour....Shrek???

They say he died for our sins, yet 3 days later, he gets up and leaves? I guess we didn't have that many.

tell a Jehova's Witness... they keep asking me if i found him...

Toledo-OHio?! I missed Him!

I prefer Bathman...Sorry!

Faster than a speeding enema, able to pee over tall buildings... It's Toiletman!

Probably has some pretty crappy powers

The Asian letters mean nananananananana.

If it's his mission is to clean nasty toilets everywhere, then he definitely has my gratitude. I've seen some rank a*s places that only a Superhero can save.

How can I summon him?

One short flush, one long, then another short.

And his side kick Bidet Boy!

What's the signal for that guy?

Able to p**s you off in one small squirt, faster than a case of diarrhea

It might be a s****y job, but someone's got to do it.

Can you imagine the origin story?

When we went to China we were surprised that many public places like restaurants and airports have a restroom worker 24/7 that keeps it clean, and in some cases hands out a limited amount of toilet paper.

(My personal anecdote:

In 1986 China was just opening up, so my wife, our 4 year old daughter Acacia and I took a week long trip there. Fascinating. We had to buy Acacia a hooded cape, it was winter there, because so many people wanted to touch her very blond hair, adults, teenagers, children, everywhere. We arrived at night and in the morning went down to the restaurant for some breakfast. Acacia said she wanted to go to the toilet so I took her and waited outside. There was a man sitting there with a table full of moist hand towels. Anyway, Acacia went in and came virtually straight out. I asked her if she had been and she said that she had. I told her she couldn’t have that quickly and to back in to use the toilet. She came out a little while later. The next morning she needed to go again and I said I had to as well so I would take her. Bear in mind that this was at a time when I had never even heard of a squat toilet, much less seen one. When we met outside I said “Hey, was yours a hole in the ground?’ Recognition dawned on her face and she gratefully said ‘YES, DADDY!’)

I don't wear a bra and nobody cares ;D

When I don't wear one, all the wrinkles in my face & neck disappear.

I don't wear a bra and don't care who notices. It's between me and God, and he's already seen me naked. He doesn't care.

I don't wear a bra, and nobody notices.

and like bras many had no idea or concept on how to use one

I wish I saw this 3 years ago.

This is so true

I like my bacon browned but slightly squishy ... I know ... personal decision

I like mine just short of burnt.

I did crunches this morning with pancakes. Pancakes are good company.

Nuggies and Crunches. Nom!

I don't understand how ppl can eat it burnt! I don't mind a little crisp, but come on!!!!

Exercise, or extra fries?

Let’s hope it doesn’t get stuck under the brake pedal

The name's Hung.....Well Hung

Well, well, well, my old buddy, Hung Lo.


Living in an English speaking country with that first name must be tough, imagine how many times he hears the same jokes.

Talk about good advertising !

Good to know. I hope he's comfortable sitting all day!

That's a Vietnamese name. Not pronounced at all like the English word of the same spelling.

You gotta start somewhere. Using turn signals would definitely reduce the world's anger level.


And Mercedes and Audi drivers

Sign amended: And remember to turn them off instead of driving 15 miles with them blinking.

Using a blinker would be 1/1,000,000,000,000 steps closer to world peace

The car's Christmas lights? Why would I turn them on in July?

"Sign not applicable to BMW drivers"

The Schrodinger road. Or not?

I mean, where is that NOT true

At least they're being honest

Tells more truth than most roadworks signs!

totally a government sign ...

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