Wednesday, July 17, 2024



From Bytes
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Last Words: John Wayne Gacy

John Wayne Gacy (1942-1994), an American serial killer and rapist who sexually assaulted and murdered at least 33 teenage boys and young men between 1972 and 1978, was previously mentioned in the Bytes item on clowns:

Feb 17, 2012

Gacy became known as the “Killer Clown” due to his attendance at fundraising and children’s entertainment events dressed as Pogo the Clown, a character he devised.

Gacy was found guilty of 33 murders in 1977, the jury also finding in favour of the death penalty. He remained on death row for 14 years, studying law and filing numerous motions and appeals, all unsuccessful.

On 9 May 1994 Gacy was executed by lethal injection.

After the execution had begun, the lethal chemicals unexpectedly solidified, clogging the tube injecting those chemicals into Gacy’s arm. The curtains were hastily drawn to screen Gacy and the attendants from the observers whilst the tube was replaced. The execution took 18 minutes. The malfunction was subsequently blamed on the ineptness of prison officials with Illinois thereafter adopting a different means of administering the injection Prosecutor William Kinkle commented that "He still got a much easier death than any of his victims. In my opinion he got an easier death than he deserved, but the important thing is that he paid for his crimes with his life."

Published reports have categorised Gacy as a psychopath who did not express any remorse for his crimes.

His last words to his lawyer prior to his execution were that killing him would not compensate for the loss of others, and that this was the State murdering him.

It is reported that his final spoken words were simply, "Kiss my ass".


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