Wednesday, June 12, 2024



I have been taken to task by some readers, see below.

That doesn’t displease me, I am happy that the posts are being read, I am always copen to correction.


Rob T, commenting on the story yesterday as to how the liner Queen Mary came to be named, writes:

Dear Otto,

Your readers should know that in 1935 there already was a ship called Queen Mary, sailing on the Clyde in Scotland… This caused some embarrassment to Cunard, as they did not want their new liner to have to be called Queen Mary II !
"Williamson-Buchanan based TS [Turbine Steamer] Queen Mary at Glasgow's Bridge Wharf, where she carried approximately 13,000 passengers each week.

TS Queen Mary sailed during the summer season for the Arran coast, or for the Kyles of Bute.

In 1935, Cunard Line asked Williamson-Buchanan to change the name of TS Queen Mary to TS Queen Mary II, in order to make the name available for their new flagship liner, which was due to be launched by Queen Mary. The owners of Williamson-Buchanan duly agreed and in exchange, Cunard Line presented them with a portrait of Her Majesty to hang in the forward lounge of the steamer

In 1976, following the removal of RMS Queen Mary from Lloyd's Register in a special ceremony on 4 May 1976, TS Queen Mary II was once again formally registered as TS Queen Mary”

With best regards,

Rob T
Thanks Rob.

By the way:

The Queen Mary's hull takes to the water.

On the launch day (even though it was raining), about 200,000 people showed up to see the largest ship ever launched take to the water. The river had been dredged and widened to take the ship. With the words "I name this ship "Queen Mary". I wish success to her and all who sail in her", the Queen pushed electric buttons which released the hull, which was painted white for the cameras.

The ship slid into the water and was then towed to a quayside or "fitting-out basin", where engines and the interior of the ship would be fitted.

Being fitted out, the name letters are fixed on the bow.

Queen Mary at Long Beach, California

My post about the King’s Birthday public holiday mentioned King Charles 111, where I typed in the numeral 1 three times. This raised the ire of John P, who also objected to my reference to the Trooping of the Colour:
King Charles 111? That's 108 more than I've counted.

And - oh, my goodness! - Trooping "of" the Colour. Sacre bleu! Jamais! It's a conjunction disfunction

Happy King's Birthday, which, I believe, honours King Charles III's birthday.

Time has dulled my memory, but I must mention, en passant, that to celebrate his actual birthday in 1948 we were given either a half-day or full day holiday from school (I had just been elevated from grade 1 to grade 2). I don't recall any holiday when his sister was born.

I trust that you and yours are in good health and of good spirit.

Best wishes

Thanks John.

In my colour defence, John, I draw your attention to the Royal Family website at:

The page is headed ‘What is Trooping the Colour?’ but then states ‘The Trooping of the Colour has marked the official birthday of the British Sovereign for over 260 years.’

The Household Division site at:
states ‘The Sovereign's official birthday is celebrated with the ceremony of the King's Birthday Parade, also known as Trooping the Colour.’

John, will you email Buck Palace to correct their use of ‘Trooping of the Colour’?

Let me know if King Charles replies.

Steve M also sent an email commenting on fireworks, which formed part of the post on the King's Birthday:
Very nostalgic Bytes today Otto, thank you. The fireworks/cracker stuff particularly. I noticed that the public are not allowed to purchase fireworks in most states/territories, so how come my neighbours have them at least twice a year? Where would they get them from? They frighten the crap out of my dog and I tell you what…come the revolution they are going to get rockets up their arses from this side of the street!
Thanks Steve.

The Northern Territory and Tasmania still allow the sale of fireworks.

Anyone wanting to set off fireworks in NSW needs a permit.

Call the police next time.

Steve also responded to the post about the song ‘Right’ Said Fred:
Super Bytes today Otto, thank you!

Made me think of dear old Benny Hill and Ernie the fastest milkman in the west! Hill’s life was amazing and he was a rather eccentric fellow…might make a terrific Bytes for us old people at Razorback and beyond.
Thanks Steve, I have posted poems and lyrics by Benny Hill in Bytes in the past but agree that I will do a future post on the man himself.

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