Tuesday, October 10, 2023



I was watching a spooky film on the weekend where one of the scenes reminded me of some Bytes posts that I had posted some years earlier. The posts consisted of 2 sentence horror stories – re-reading some of them sent chills down my spine.

For that reason they are worth re-posting, some today and some in future posts.

One word of caution: avoid reading late at night or just before going to bed. Also, check under the bed.


From Bytes, July 27, 2019:

2 Sentence Horror Stories


The art of telling a story in a minimum number of words is known as “flash fiction”. Aesop’s Fables are an example of the genre and shows how far back it goes. There have been noted practitioners of the art, including Walt Whitman, Somerset Maughan, Anton Chekhov, O. Henry, Franz Kafka, H.P. Lovecraft, Ernest Hemingway, Arthur C. Clarke, Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr and Philip K. Dick, although it is disputed whether (to win a bet), as alleged, Hemingway also wrote the flash fiction "For Sale, Baby Shoes, Never Worn".


Reddit recently had readers posting two sentence horror stories, resulting in website Bored Panda posting a selection. Here is some of the Bored Panda flash fiction 2 sentence horror stories, followed by a selection from reddit.


From Bored Panda



From Reddit


When I was a little kid and awoke from a bad dream, my grandmother would sit on the edge of my bed, rub my back and say, "There, there - ghosts aren't real."

It would have made me feel better if she hadn't died before I was born.


Every house has that one old creaky floorboard.

It sounds even louder when you're supposed to be home alone.


I love the sound of hearing my dog walking towards my room when I call for him.

The giddiness ceases when I realize he’s whimpering next to me and I still hear the paws approaching my room.


The room went dark as I turned out my nightlight.

Suddenly an even darker patch on the wall started moving.


My dog likes to crawl in bed with me in the middle of the night.

When I reached over to pet him though it wasn't my dog.


Oh look a spider, let's catch it and put it back outside.

Wait, where did it go?


Time flew by as I enjoyed the view.

So much so, that when I re-surfaced the boat was gone.


I was home alone at night getting a smoke in the yard.

When someone said “You got a light?”


After I asked the crystal ball to tell me how to escape death, I was very confused as it read "No, thanks honey, I'm full.”

However, something clicked in my head when my wife offered me cake after dinner.


"Daddy, look, it's mommy!" my son giggled, pointing.

I don't know what was worse, seeing my dead wife's reflection in the mirror, or the word RUN etched into the glass.

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