Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Flame Wars

The above poster is a creation of graphic designer Joe Newton, who apparently wanted to use a modern message as a contrast to the old time typeface so as to set up an internal tension.  Whatever the design qualities, the message itself is a good one.  I have read that there are over 200 million tweets per day sent. 

My reason in displaying it is that I came across it just after reading an item in the Mail Online, the online version of London’s Daily Mail, that not only perfectly illustrated the message but haqd someone using the same message as part of an online argument..  

Maria Fowler, 26, an English glamour model and Page 3 girl, had tweeted during the opening ceremony of the London Olympics "Ahhh wish I was there so bad. Muhammad Ali. No disrespect though but why can't he stand now?"

For those not aware, Muhammad Ali, 70, is an American former professional boxer, three times world heavyweight champion (crowned Sportsman of the Century by Sports Illustrated in 1999 and Sports Personality of the Century by the BBC), who now suffers from Parkinson’s syndrome.

Muhammad Ali at the London Olympics

Fowler’s innocent enquiry brought a hostile response from British internet entrepreneur Jamal Edwards: 
He said: “You are so DUMB!  If I don't know a question I would go on the net first to find out especially what I'm talking about. Not go to Twitter & ask.”

Although Fowler responded “I did google and couldn't know why. Parkinson's is so sad. I lost my grandad to Parkinson's. Ali is a legend x”,  the discussion degenerated from there, with some nasty comments made.

Maria Fowler

Jamal Edwards

Flaming; Flame War:
An online argument that becomes nasty or derisive, where insulting a party to the discussion takes precedence over the objective merits of one side or another.- Urban Dictionary

The forms, manners and actions established by the internet community as acceptable or required behaviour in social interactions.  -  Urban Dictionary

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